Azure Red Hat OpenShift ARO Monitoring and Logging

This is part of a series of posts about Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO). Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) like the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), can both use Azure Log Analytics Workspace and Azure Monitor for logging and monitoring purposes. The enablement of the Log Analytics Workspace and Azure Monitor services though is configured through […]

Azure Red Hat OpenShift ARO Compute

This is part of a series of posts about Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO). The ARO offering from Azure works in a slightly different manner to AKS when it comes to compute (worker) nodes. The Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) uses Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets – one per worker node pool, and Azure Red Hat […]

Azure Red Hat OpenShift ARO Storage

This is part of a series of posts about Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO). When you deploy an Azure Red Hat OpenShift ARO cluster to your Azure instance, a default storage class is created for Azure Disk Premium SSD. ARO is able to consume Azure storage using built-in provisioners. The example below specifies the use […]

Azure Red Hat OpenShift ARO Integration

The recently released Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) offering from Microsoft and Red Hat provides a managed OpenShift deployment on Microsoft’s Azure cloud. The integrations of ARO into the rest of the Azure ecosystem work in a manner very similar to that of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), which makes sense given they are both Kubernetes […]

Running iTunes in a Windows Service with C#

“No, I have not heard the song, Jesus, Take the Wheel. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you don’t need to start singing it. Yes, I’ll buy it on the iTunes, Mother. Good-bye, Mother.” – Sheldon Cooper. Using “the iTunes” application from Apple is necessary for a lot of people that use Apple TV devices. […]